Our Team

V. Singhi & Associates consists of a work force of 400+ resources. The team is a professional and dynamic one, of individuals that work relentlessly using legal, taxation, accounting, advisory and auditing expertise, knowledge and experience to deliver value and quality.

The motto of the Firm - "We build your trust, you build us" lays the foundation for an incessant pursuit of excellence.

The synergy between our clients and us; our achievements and team skills, stimulate growth and prosperity.

CA Vinod Kumar Singhi

B.Com (Hons.), FCA

CA Vinod Kumar Singhi Founded V. Singhi & Associates in the year 1977. Since inception, he has served clients with the principles of hard work and integrity. He has been the guiding force of the team with his varied experience of over four decades in the field of Assurance Audits (to ensure financial reporting accuracy and compliance with the Indian GAAS and GAAP), Tax consultancy, Advisory on Amalgamations, Mergers, Acquisitions, Reconstructions, Demerger & Takeover, Corporate
Management consultancy, Statutory and Internal Audit of Banks, Audit of Insurance Companies, Market Regulator etc., Arbitration and general advisory, Representation before various tax authorities, Appellate Tribunals and CBDT, Representation to various authorities on different laws as well as on procedural issues, Specialised Advisory in compliances of Charitable Trust and Start-up ecosystem promoting entrepreneurship.

Mr. Vinod Kumar Singhi is the Quality Review Partner of the firm; with other partners and coprofessionals, he has played a vital role in shaping the firm. His experience backed by deep profound knowledge is the reason behind the exponential growth of the firm.

CA Aniruddha Sengupta

B.Com(Hons.), FCA

CA Aniruddha Sengupta is a practicing Chartered Accountant with wide ranging experience in Assurance audit, Statutory and Concurrent Audit of Banks, Audit of Public Sector Undertakings, Human Resource audit Strategy Formulation and Financial Planning. His keenness into financial details is a mainstay in business dealings. He has proven leadership skills for motivating teams to achieve the firm’s objectives.

He has 41 years of experience in the domain of Indirect Tax consultancy, Verification of Assets and Inventories for Turnkey Projects, Banking sector consultancy, Management & Information System consultancy, Planning and implementation of standard policies in different organizations, Risk & Control analysis, and Start-up Eco-systems promoting entrepreneurship.

He is the Quality Review Partner of the firm. His areas of expertise has been commendable and has made the firm successfully fulfil its assignments.

CA Sunil Singhi

B.Com (Hons.), FCA, CS, DISA, CIFRS, MBF, DBA, FAFD (Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection), Certified Financial Valuer (ICAI), Concurrent Bank Auditor (ICAI), Member of Speakers Tribe (International Forum), Associated with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Mr. Sunil Singhi is acclaimed for his vision and dynamism. He manages the entire firm and aligns the firm towards its ideology and strategy. He has more than two decades of expertise in various professional areas ranging from IFRS, IND AS, Tax Audits, Information System Audits, Forensic and Fraud Audit, Audit of Public Sector Undertakings, Business Analysis, Brand Valuation, Forex and treasury Management, Investment Banking, Statutory and Concurrent Audits, Start-up Eco-system promoting entrepreneurship, Security analysis for investment and corporate finance, International Financial Reporting System and Representation before tax authorities, Appellate Tribunals and CBDT.

He has also gained rich experience in the fields of Management Consultancy, Consultancy and Advisory on Finance/ Corporates/ Project Financing/ Private Equity/ Transfer Pricing and Debt Restructuring.

Being an active member of many present and past study groups, he has represented various trade and Commerce Associations through committee members before the Central and State Government. His experience in the financial sphere is of immense value in conducting day to day business.

CA Sundeep Singhi

B.Com (Hons.), FCA, DISA, Registered Valuer (IBBI), Certified Financial Valuer (ICAI), Certified International Tax Consultant (ICAI)

Mr. Sundeep Singhi embraces work with focus and diligence and has significant experience in almost every facet of the accounting profession. He spends his time majorly with the clients solving their complex issues both on technical and managerial fronts.

He has 17 years of experience in the domains of Assurance Audit services, Income Tax, Company Law, Forensic Audit & Investigation, Management & IS consultancy, Information System audits, Consultancy in RBI related matters, Consultancy in International taxation Transfer Pricing & Payroll system, Concurrent and Statutory Audits of Bank, International Financial Reporting System and Representation before Ministry for approval under various provisions of Income Tax Act, Companies Act with specialization in valuation of Business, Brands and other related services, Management Consultancy, Tax Consultancy , FEMA , Acquisitions and Mergers.

CA Sudhansu Sekhar Panja

B.Sc. (Hons.), FCA, LLB

He has 44 years of expertise in the domains of Audit & Assurance, Management & Information System consultancy, Indirect Tax consultancy, Risk & Control analysis, Planning and implementation of standard of policies in different organizations, Management Audit, Development of Systems Manual, Corporate Governance, Portfolio Management, Development of Systems Manual and Corporate Finance Advisory. He even possesses knowledge of SOP.

CA Suraj Kumar Rampuria

B. Com (Hons.), FCA

A Chartered Accountant by passion and a technology enthusiast, he has rich understanding in Development of Systems Manual, ERP Implementation, Corporate Governance, Financial ReEngineering and Due Diligence and Technology driven processes and audits.

He has 27 years of experience in the domains of Audit & Assurance, Income Tax, Valuation of Business, Brands and other related services, International Financial Reporting System, Project & Credit Appraisal, Management Audit, Start-up Eco-system promoting entrepreneurship. He has expertise in Information System Audits and Management Consultancy and possesses deep rooted knowledge of SAP.

CA Sampat Lal Singhvi

B.Com (Hons.), FCA

With 39 years of experience in the domains of Financial & Assurance Audits, Consultancy in Company Law matters, Implementation of MIS & Financial reporting with respect to manufacturing & large organization, Management & IS Consultancy, Risk & Control audits, Corporate Finance Advisory and Statutory Audit of Banks with specialisation in Corporate Governance, he is a Quality Review partner of the firm.

CA Dibyendu Pal Choudhury

B.Sc., FCA

He has over 47 years of experience in the domains of Statutory and Tax Audits of Companies (including NBFCs), Consultancy to Factory Management, Representation before the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for Banks and NBFCs, Specialization in Internal Audits and having industrial Exposures related to Internal Financial Control, Verification of Assets at site, Inspection for Turnkey Projects with
Specialization in Fixed Asset Audits, Bank Audits and Audits of Charitable Trusts and Institutions

His professionalism and expertise to serve clients to their satisfaction has always been the inspiration for all in the organization. His extensive knowledge in and hard work are the pillars of this firm.

CA Sunita Lunawat

B.Com (Hons.), FCA, CIFRS, Registered Valuer (IBBI)

She has 16 years of experience in the domains of Assurance Audit, Tax consultancy, Company law consultancy, Banking sector consultancy, Management & IS Consultancy, Information System Audit, Statutory Audit of Banks, International Financial Reporting System, Corporate Governance Compliances and Rendering advises on Transfer Pricing. She specialises in Valuation of Business, Brand and assets, INDAS, IFRS compliances and Audits of Banks.

She plays a great motivator and leader for the team by her proactive approach, profound knowledge and dedication.

CA Surbhika Jhawar

B.Com (Hons.), FCA

She has 13 years of experience in the domains of Social sector Audits, Income Tax consultancy, advisory on amalgamations, mergers, acquisitions, reconstructions, demerger & takeover, Consultancy in Company Law, IPO and Private equity Audit, with specialization as a Merchant Banker. She also possesses expertise in Tax, Statutory and Concurrent Audits Banks.

CA Ashok Kumar Upadhyaya

B.Com (Hons.), FCA, FCS

He has 33 years of experience in the domains of Financial Assurance Audit, Audit of Banks, Consultancy in Corporate Law Matters, Designing and implementing Standard policies, International Taxation, FEMA & RBI related matters. He has an exposure of international assignments.

CA Pankaj Periwal

B.Com (Hons.), FCA

He has over a decade of experience with MNCs in India as well as Africa. Having travelled to more than 19 countries and getting exquisite international experience, Pankaj brings valuable experience in the domains of Financial Re-Engineering, Project & Credit Appraisal and setting systems and processes.
He specialises in Management Consultancy and Start-up Businesses and is also qualified under the Agency for Specialised Monitoring. His domains of proficiency include Risk & Control analysis, Startup Eco-system promoting entrepreneurship, Due-Diligence, Representation in FEMA & RBI related matters, International Taxation, Business Establishment & Sustainability, Planning and implementation of standard policies in different organizations.

CA Suraj Jaiswal

B.Com (Hons.), FCA, Registered Valuer (IBBI), Certificate Course on Indirect Taxes (ICAI), Certificate Course on Valuation (ICAI)

He has over 11 years of experience in the domains of Assurance Audit, Valuation of Business, Brands and Assets, Income Tax including International Taxation, Goods and Services Tax (GST), FEMA & RBI related matters, Amalgamations, mergers, acquisitions, reconstructions, demerger & takeover, Risk & Control analysis, Financial Due-Diligence, Payroll System, Planning and implementation of standard policies in different organizations and Representation before the Statutory Authorities. He possess expertise knowledge and exposure in Valuation and SAP.

CA Biman Dutta

B.Com (Hons.), FCA, DISA, LLB (Hons.) , CIFRS, FAFD (Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection), Concurrent Bank Auditor (ICAI), Certificate Course on Anti Money Laundering Laws (ICAI), Certificate Course on Appeals, Drafting of Deed & Documents and Representation before Appellate Authorities and Statutory Bodies (ICAI), Certificate course on Goods and Service Tax (ICAI), Certificate Course on Public Finance and Government Accounting (ICAI)

Mr. Biman Dutta brings with him a unique combination of enterprising vision and tenacity through his highbrow profile. He acts as one of the torchbearers for V. Singhi & Associates. With experience of over a decade, he displays his knack in the areas of Financial and Assurance audits, Statutory & Concurrent audit of banks, Forensic & Fraud Investigation Audit, Information System Audits, Tax Audits, Stock Audit of various entities on behalf of lending institutions, Advisory on International
Taxation and Transfer Pricing, Educational Institutional Audits, Consultancy on Goods and Service Tax, Corporate Management Consultancy, CSR Audits, Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards, Risk & Control analysis, Legal & Financial Due-Diligence.

CA Naveen Kankaria

B.Com (Hons.), FCA, FAFD (Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection)

He has over a decade of experience in the domains of Financial and Assurance audits, Statutory audit, Concurrent audit of banks, Forensic Audit, Tax Audits, Tax planning and Consultancy, Corporate Management Consultancy, Valuation of Business, Brands and other related services, Start-up Ecosystem promoting entrepreneurship, FEMA & RBI related matters, International Taxation, Business Establishment & Sustainability and Consultancy in Corporate Law Matters.

CA Naveen Taparia

B.Com (Hons.), FCA, ACS, CMA

He has over 23 years of experience in the domains of Statutory Audit, Income Tax including International Taxation, Goods and Service Tax, FEMA & RBI related matters, Secretarial matters, Internal Audit, Management Review, Tax Audit, Designing and implementation of Standard policies, Representation before ED and CBI, Amalgamation, Mergers, Acquisitions, Reconstructions, Demerger & Takeover, Risk Management, Financial Due Diligence, and Risk & Control analysis.

His notable experience was with Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Private Limited where he has spent more than 13 years as a Company Secretary performing Secretarial functions, Income Tax Assessment, statutory compliances, tax audit, accounting and business consulting services and has enormous exposure in Company Law matters.

CA Partha Dasgupta

M.Com., FCA

He is having 34+ years’ corporate experience in the areas of Internal Audit, Indirect Taxes, Project Finance, Working Capital & Fund Management, Risk Analysis & Risk Mitigation Plan, Co-ordination with Banks and Financial Institutions, Procurement Management, Marketing & Administration etc., while working in Insurance, Oil, Jute, Tea & Engineering Industry over these number of years. After a brief service period in General Insurance Industry, he has spent a very long career period by holding various positions in Oil CPSE, M/s Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (HPCL). Prior to his retirement from HPCL in mid-2021, during different tenures, he was appointed by Govt. of India as DirectorFinance in three CPSEs, viz., The Jute Corporation of India Ltd., National Jute Manufacturers Corporation Ltd. and Andrew Yule & Co. Ltd. and as Chairman & Managing Director in the CPSE, Hindustan Cables Ltd. He has also remained as a Director in WEBFIL Ltd., an Engg. Company in Andrew
Yule Group.

CA Rakhi Mohta

B.Com (Hons.), FCA

She has over 10 years of experience in the domains of Financial and assurance audits, Tax and Statutory audit, Concurrent audit of banks, Goods and Service Tax, Corporate Management Consultancy, Valuation of Business, Brands and other related services, Start-up Eco-system promoting entrepreneurship, Business Establishment & Sustainability, Consultancy in Corporate Law Matters, Educational Institutional Audits, CSR Audits.

CA Mukund Garodia

B.Com (Hons.), FCA, CAIIB

He has over 13 years of experience in the domains of Financial and Assurance audits, Statutory & Concurrent audit of banks, Management Consultancy, Project & Credit Appraisal, FEMA & RBI related matters, Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards, Risk & Control analysis, Legal & Financial Due-Diligence, Banking sector consultancy.

CA Avishek Tibrewal

B.Com (Hons.), FCA, Certificate Course on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) (ICAI)

He has over 9 years of experience in Assurance & Auditing Services, specializing in Direct taxation including International Taxation. His expertise extends across various domains including International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS). Notably, he excels in advising management on complex corporate manoeuvres such as amalgamations, mergers, acquisitions, reconstructions, demerger & takeover, and ERP Implementation.

CA Ronil Piyush Shah

B. Com, FCA

With experience of over 9 years, he stands as an expert in Assurance & Auditing Services. His proficiency extends across a diverse spectrum, encompassing Indian Accounting Standards, Tax Audit, Tax planning and consultancy, International Taxation, FEMA and RBI related matters. Moreover, he excels in providing strategic counsel to management on critical matters such as Initial Public Offers, amalgamations, mergers and acquisitions. His comprehensive expertise positions him as a trusted advisor in navigating complex financial landscapes.

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